Transcript :
AayurMed is a cultivator and supplier of 165 certified organic medicinal,
aromatic, ayurvedic and culinary herbs. These herbs are certified as '100%
Organic' by OneCert, USA under NOP of USDA, (EEC) 2092/91, (EC) 1788/2001
and NPOP of India.
AayurMed can supply over 400 Indian herbs including ogranic and non organic
herbs, herbal teas, herbal extracts, herbal blends, herbal powders, oils and
other herbal products.
AayurMed is owned and managed by Vinod Haritwal and Rashmi Haritwal. Vinod
is a qualified professional business manager with over 28 years of business
management experience.
We also cultivate organic herbs and spices for international clients on
contract cultivation basis. We have our own nurseries where planting
material and seed are developed for most of our herbs. This guarantees ready
availability of genuine, good quality seed and planting material for
commercial cultivation as well as herb gardening.
AayurMed herbs and spices can be used in medicinal formulations, botanicals,
herbal teas, functional foods, nutrition supplements, foods & beverages,
bakeries, restaurants etc. AayurMed herbs, spices and products are supplied
to many customers in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Denmark, Hungary,
Australia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malyasia to name a few.